ایده ی کانتکت برعکس

زمان خواندن 8 دقیقه ***

 Reverse contacts app introduction

ایده ی کانتکت برعکس

ایده ی کانتکت برعکس (دفترچه تلفن برعکس)

آیا تا به حال کانتکت خود را همراه گوشی خود از دست داده اید ؟

آیا کانتکت خود را روی کلاود ذخیره می کنید ؟ کدام سرویس کلاود؟

آیا کانتکتهای شما در جاهای مختلف با هم سینک هست ؟ 

آیا کانتکتهای شما آپدیت هست ؟ یا پر شده از  تلفن ها؛ آدرس ها و ایمیملهای قدیمی ؟

آیا تا به حال اتفاق افتاده که تلفن دوستتان عوض شده و شما تلفن جدیدش را نداشته اید و مدتها از وی بی خبر بوده اید ؟

آیا تا به حال به سفر رفته اید و دوست داشتید تمام کانتکت هایتان تلفن موقت شما در سفر را داشته باشند ؟ تا مجبور نباشید هزینه های رومینگ بپردازید؟

آیا تا به مجبور شده اید ایمیل یا شماره تلفنتان را عوض کنید و به تمام دوستانتان بگوییید که دیگر با تلفن قبلی تماس نگیرند؟

آیا تا به حال شده که کانتکتهای کاری و شخصی تان را نتوانید از هم جدا کنید؟

آیا تا به حال شده در زمان نا مناسب تلفنی دریافت کنید ؟ 

آیا شده دوست داشته باشید زمانی دوستانتان با شما تماس بگیرند ؟

آیا شده دوست داشته باشید زمانی دوستانتان با شما تماس نگیرند ؟

آیا مجبورید برای حفظ شماره تلفن قدیمتان هزینه ی زیادی برای فوروارد کردن به تلفن جدید به شرکت تلفن بپردازید؟

آیا شده دوست داشته باشید شماره یا ایمیلتان را عوض کنید ولی چون سالها آنرا به دوستانتان داده اید قادر به انجام این کار نیستید ؟

آیا آدرس ایمیل های زیادی  قبلا به جاهای مختلف داده اید و مجبورید همه را چک کنید؟

آیا تا به حال شده که برای تماس گرفتن با کسی مجبور شوید در گوگل سرچ کنید تا ساعت دقیق آن شخص در تایم زون دیگر را بدست بیاورید ؟

آیا تا به حال شده دوست داشته باشید بدانید آیا الان زمان کاری است یا زمان مناسبی برای تماس با کانتکتتان ؟

آیا تا به حال شده که برای فهمیدن ساعت مناسب تماس با کسی تقویم های مختلف را چک کنید؟

آیا در زمان های نامناسب مثل زمان افطار در ایران با کسی تماس گرفته اید ؟

آیا میدانید الان ساعت کاری هست یا ساعت غیر کاری در ایران یا امریکا یا انگلیس یا چین ؟

تمام این مسایل با اپ کانتکت برعکس به سادگی قابل حل است.

Pitch for Reverse Contact app


Contacts app

Purpose of device

Problem definition

some loose contact


Example of peoples outdated contacts

How to resolve

10 Minutes



Timing of calls, time zones , working hours, receive hour

Problem 1

Have you ever lost all your contacts with your phone ? Do you use cloud services to save your contacts ? Are your contacts synced between all cloud services?

Solution 1

have one cloud service to save contacts and sync with iCloud, Google , Hotmail etc. 

This feature had been addressed by a lot of other apps and we don't focus on it for marketing.

Problem 2

Are your contacts updated or full of old numbers and outdated information?

Has this ever happened to you that phone number of your friend changed and you didn’t have new number and couldn’t find him or her?

Have you ever traveled and wished all your friends had your local number so you don't have to pay all roaming costs?

Have you ever changed your email or phone number and had to tell all people that you changed it?

Has it happened to you that your work and personal contacts mixed up in your contacts app?

Have you moved and your friends don't know your new address? 

They always ask for your buzzer number and never save it ? 

Solution 2

Make a profile, Save number, email address and address of yours once. 

Send a notification to all people you want to contact you using that information, that group will have your contacts and you can update it any time. 

Define as many groups-profiles you want. For example work, family, friends, lovedones etc. 

Problem 3

Had this happened to you that you received a call in the middle of the night from an overseas friend?

Have you ever been in a situation that liked some friend just calls you so you have a casual conversation? In the other words you been in a mood for a phone call?

Had it happened that you didn't like to receive a call for a while? Not in the mood to receive a call?

Solution 3

Turn "available to receive calls" button on or off for a group or individually

Your contacts instantly see a green light and know you are willing to receive a call from them.

Problem 4 similar to 2

Do you have to pay an operator to forward an old number because you can not tell all old friends that you have changed your number? And you don't want to miss any call to your previous number. 

Had it happens to you that you wanted to change your number or email but you couldn't because you have spread it to others for years?

Do you have a lot of emails and you have to check them all because you keep receiving email to old addresses. 

Solution 4

Invite all contacts to use reverse Contacts so they always have your latest updated contact information on their phone. It will send a text and email to non users but the app users get updates immediately. 

The link to download and use this app is included in texts and emails so they also join. 

Problem 5 similar to 3

Have you ever had to check the time zone of the friend you want to call so you don't call them at the wrong time?

Have you ever wished to know if now is working hour for a contact in your contact list?

Have you ever had to check someone's local calendar to know if it is a holiday or working day in another country?

Have you ever called a person at wrong time for example in praying time for a religious friend? Or contacted a Chinese contact on a Chinese holiday?

Do you know is it now working hours in Iran or US or China?

Solution 5

You don't need to check the time ! Just browse and call green contacts and enjoy chatting!

Reverse Contact will automatically detects time zone and shows green if the other contact is in a proper time to call. 

For example green time for personal group is weekdays 5-8 pm and weekend 10am-8pm. It also has all local holiday calendars in the database. 

You always can customize your green times for any group or individual. 

Green times for work category is obviously working hours. 

Available to receive calls button will override this. 

All of these can be solved with reverse contact app. This app can solve this problems with its unique solution for contacts in your phone.

Native Contacts app is used by all people but has not been improved since smart phones started.

Basically in this app you take control of your contacts in other people contact app. You are the person who updates his information for other people to use.

**Sample Tag lines:

Recently Moved? Changed your number? Got a new email address ? No problem we notify all your contacts instantly! 

Don't know when is the best time to call ? No problem, just call green ones !

No matter where you go! Your always available!

Don't want to receive work calls for a nap? Just tap a button!

Traveling? No problem just change your profile!

We do the rest and update your contacts. 

Extra explanation

“Reverse contact”

It usually happens that you change your phone number, address, work etc. This is so common that we are almost sure it has happened to you. What did you do when this happened for you?

You probably tried to contact some people by calling, emailing, texting etc. but you end up not informing all and in result you might missed opportunities while people tried to contact you.

In “Reverse App” we do this for you in two ways:

1- We inform all you contacts in a beautiful format and let them update their contacts with your new changes automatically.

2- We will update them from that moment on about all changes you made in your contacts so they will always

have your most recent contact information, this is two way so you also will be notified if they change any part of their contact including their phone number, address etc.

So simple and useful.

Try it today for free.

“Reverse contact”


برای تجربه‌ی کل نانوشتنی ها؛ لطفا فهرست موضوعی و زمانی بالای صفحه را ببینید!

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