Persian calendar

زمان خواندن 3 دقیقه ***

 Persian calendar


(Explaning The most accurate calendar that I know, also Persian new year or "New day" or NoRuz or Nowrooz or Norouz ... whatever :) )

We all know Gerigorian calendar and widely use it all over the world but when you learn the Persian calendar the Gregorian calendar looks a mess for you. It’s a good idea for the world to know how this calendar works.

After using the Gregorian calendar I noticed that very few people have any idea of when the seasons start and end, something that happens naturaly when you follow Persian calendar.

Besides that we as an immigrant are having hard time memorizing the length of the months in Gerigorian calendar which is very inorderly.

So let me explain the Persian calendar:

The Persian calendar has been used for thousands of years and sometimes it’s called “hijri solar calendar” and you can look it up on Google and Wikipedia.

This calendar is accurately aligned with the location of the earth when it rotates the sun. 

As you know the path of the earth rotating the sun is an oval or ellipse.

Imagine an ellipse that has four corners and on the long side has two corner points which is also called vertices.  

Each of them are called equinox in English language and the March equinox (March 20/21) is the exact moment that the Persian new year starts 

In the equinox the length of the days and nights are equal.

In Persian calendar each year is divided into four seasons each season 1/4 of the oval and Persians celebrate on the March equinox which is starting of the spring and the new Persian year. In Persian it's called new day or No-Ruz which is spelled differently in English. (Noruz or Nowrooz etc.)

A Persian year is divided into four seasons and each season has three months.

As Persians, each year we check our calendars and we find out what is the exact hour, minute and second of the new year so sometimes it’s in the middle of the night like this year which Persian year reached 1400 and it was 2:37am Pasific standard time,  but despite that we all know the exact moment and we count down to celebrate.

Despite Gerigorian calendar which is 12am local time, this moment is happening once all over the world instantly!

Persians also celebrate the longest night of the year which is called Yalda which is December 20/21.ā_Night

So if you follow the Persian calendar you exactly know when each season starts and ends and also the months are very in order, as the first six months are 31 days the next five months are 30 days and the last month is either 29 or 30 days based on the leap year every 4 years. 

It is strange that very few poeple are aware of this amazing historical calendar and here I wanted to explain that briefly. If any one knows any better source or is willing to help me make a short video to explain Persian calendar please contact me at


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