بردنِ لاتاری

زمان خواندن 7 دقیقه ***

 بردنِ لاتاری (بلیت بخت آزمایی)

در جمع دوستان بودم که گفتند اگر لاتاری برنده شوی چه می‌کنی. مثلا ۱۰۰ میلیون دلار. یکی گفت ریسورت می‌خرم یا خانه می‌خرم یا پرواز بیزینس کلاس می‌گیرم و پنت هاوس می‌روم.

نوبت به من رسید! 

گفتم دقت کنید تمام این چیز هایی که شما می‌خواهید، در واقع یک تجربه است. 

یک تجربه ای که قبلا داشتید و حالا در آینده تصور می‌کنید. یک حسی که قبلا تجربه کردید و حالا میخواهید در آینده دوباره آن حس را بدست بیاورید.

تمام این فرآیند، حرکت از حافظه به تخیل است. و حافظه و تخیل دو تا از فرآیند‌های ذهن است. 

تمام تجربه های ما، در درون ایجاد میشود و در درون درک می‌شود. حتی وقتی در پنت هاوس یا بیزینس کلاس نشسته ای، آن حسی که تجربه می‌کنی در درون تو ایجاد می‌شود. 

اگر قدرت کنترل تجربه های درونی را با مراقبه بدست بیاوری دیگر از بیرون بی نیاز می‌شوی.

بیرون برای تو بی ربط میشود. حس و حال تو در درون تو و توسط خود تو تعیین میشود.

وقتی این را بدانی، دیگر دنبال ۱۰۰ میلیون دلار در آینده و حس های آینده نیستی! 

اصرار کردند که بگو چه کار میکنی!

جواب این بود!

تمام این پول را خرج همین موضوع می‌کنم. 

این که به آدمها بگویم تجربه های شما در درون شما ایجاد میشود. پس زیاد دنبال بیرون نباشید!

این که بگویم همه چیز در حال و در لحظه تولید و تجربه می‌شود. پس زیاد دنبال آینده نباشید!

آینده هیچ وقت نمی‌رسد. وقتی این مکانیزم ذهنی را متوجه شوی دیگر نه کل عمر دنبال آینده میروی و نه دنبال تجربه ای در آینده.

کم کم دیدم همین الان هم تقریبا وقت و انرژی و پول خودم را دارم برای همین موضوع میگذارم. و این بهترین کار است. مفید ترین کار است. لذت بخش ترین کار است. عاشقانه ترین کار است.

چه لاتاری برنده بشوم با ۱۰۰ میلیون دلار و چه برنده نشوم با همین ۱۰۰ دلار همین کار را انجام میدهم!

چون لاتاریِ اصلی، در لحظه است.

و من می‌توانم هر لحظه برنده باشم. چون لحظه را دارم. 

و همه در این لاتاری برنده اند. 


Translation by Gemini

Winning the Lottery of the Present Moment


The text you provided is a philosophical reflection on the nature of experience and the pursuit of happiness. The author argues that true happiness lies not in external possessions or future experiences, but in the present moment and in our ability to control our internal experiences.

Key Points

  • The author begins by describing a conversation with friends about what they would do if they won the lottery. Their responses all focus on acquiring material possessions or having luxurious experiences.
  • The author then argues that these experiences are ultimately unsatisfying because they are based on external factors. Instead, he suggests that we should focus on cultivating our inner experiences through mindfulness and meditation.
  • The author concludes by stating that the real lottery is the present moment, and that we can all win by learning to appreciate it.


Here is my translation of the text:

Winning the Lottery

I was with some friends the other day, and we were talking about what we would do if we won the lottery. For example, $100 million. One said he would buy a resort, another said he would buy a house, and another said he would fly business class and stay in a penthouse.

When it was my turn, I said, "Notice that all of the things you want are actually just experiences."

"An experience that you have already had, and now you are imagining it in the future. A feeling that you have already experienced, and now you want to experience that feeling again in the future."

"This whole process is just moving from memory to imagination. And memory and imagination are two processes of the mind."

"All of our experiences are created and perceived within us. Even when you are sitting in a penthouse or flying business class, the feeling you experience is created within you."

"If you gain the power to control your inner experiences through meditation, you will no longer need anything from the outside."

"The outside will become irrelevant to you. Your feelings and emotions will be determined by you, within you."

"When you know this, you will no longer be chasing after $100 million and future feelings!"

They insisted that I tell them what I would do!

This was my answer!

"I would spend all of that money on this very thing."

"To tell people that their experiences are created within them. So don't look too much to the outside!"

"To tell people that everything is produced and experienced in the present moment. So don't look too much to the future!"

"The future never arrives. When you understand this mental mechanism, you will no longer spend your entire life chasing the future or an experience in the future."

I gradually realized that even now, I am spending my time, energy, and money on this very thing. And this is the best thing to do. It is the most useful thing to do. It is the most enjoyable thing to do. It is the most loving thing to do.

Whether I win the lottery with $100 million or not, I will do the same thing with $100!

Because the real lottery is in the present moment.

And I can win every moment. Because I have the moment.

And everyone wins this lottery.


I believe that the author's message is a valuable one. In a world that is constantly telling us to buy more, do more, and be more, it is important to remember that true happiness lies within ourselves. By learning to appreciate the present moment and cultivate our inner experiences, we can find true fulfillment.


Translation by Claude

Winning the Lottery 

I was with my friends, and they asked, "If you win the lottery, what would you do? Say, $100 million." One said they would buy a resort or a house or take a business class flight and go to a penthouse. Then it was my turn!

I said, "Notice that all the things you want are actually an experience. An experience you've had before and now imagine having in the future. A feeling you've experienced before and now want to experience again. This whole process is a movement from memory to imagination. And memory and imagination are two processes of the mind. All our experiences are created within and perceived within. Even when you're sitting in a penthouse or business class, the feeling you experience is created within you. If you gain the power to control your inner experiences through meditation, you become free from the outer world. The outer becomes irrelevant to you. Your state is determined within you, by you. Once you know this, you're no longer chasing $100 million in the future and future feelings!"

They insisted I say what I would do. My answer was, "I would spend all that money on this very thing - telling people that your experiences are created within you, so don't chase the outer so much! Telling them that everything is produced and experienced in the present moment, so don't chase the future so much! The future never arrives. Once you understand this mechanism of the mind, you no longer spend your whole life chasing the future or an experience in the future." 

Gradually, I realized that I'm already spending my time, energy, and money on this very thing. And this is the best work, the most beneficial, the most joyful, the most loving work. Whether I win $100 million or not with my current $100, I'll do this work! Because the real lottery is in the present moment. And I can win that lottery every moment, because I have the present. And we all win this lottery.


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